
Technicians, machinists, and administrative workers are part of the cooperative DECOSUR, and they all work under the principle that commitment and responsibility constitute the foundation of the challenging activity they have been performing for many years. Together they satisfy the most demanding requirements in terms of operations´ efficiency and quality, and strive to continuously improve the processes developed to render the cooperative services.
Most of the cooperative current members worked for the firm Victorio De Bernardi S.A. [a corporation] and they put the valuable experience gained there into work in the cooperative. However, the chief strength of our organization lies in the fact that the workers strongly committed themselves when they decided to take control of the bankrupt corporation themselves and turned it into a cooperative (that is to say, when they “recovered” the company). Thus, the main values of the cooperative are the responsibility, creativity, willingness to work, and participation of each worker-owner.

Responsibility, creativity, Willingness to work and participation of each worker-owner.

The cooperative is governed by its Estatuto Social [the cooperative´s bylaw] and its Reglamento Interno [the cooperative´s rules and regulations] approved by INAES [an Argentine institute in charge of promoting the creation of cooperatives] in accordance with the Ley Nacional de Cooperativas [Argentine act on cooperatives] and other regulations enacted by INAES. All the aforementioned rules have been enforced to organize the activities developed by the cooperative while guaranteeing that these activities are carried out in accordance with safety regulations as well as regulations to preserve the environment.

Morse and Sargento Ponce streets intersection
[Zip Code:] 1871 Dock Sud – Province of Buenos Aires – Argentina
Phone: (54 11) 4222-9240 / 4201-0922 -