On Friday, August 25, the Secretary of Energy of our country, Daniel Cameron, visited the worker cooperative Decosur as he had promised we would do. The members of the cooperative, who were performing their usual tasks, felt surprised when the guard at the entrance informed them of the unexpected arrival.
Daniel Cameron and his team visited the premises of the main plant and the premises of the new project carried out in the plant acquired by the cooperative from the firm Solvay INDUPA. Afterwards, in a relaxed atmosphere, the Secretary explained the current energetic policies and the present situation of the fuel sector. He also answered the questions of the cooperative members patiently, and showed great interest in the history of the recovered company.
In the end, the Secretary shared a typical asado with the cooperative workers who were amazed at the kind and simple attitude of the government official. The Secretary especially congratulated the workers on the cooperative adequate performance and also on the competence of the cooperative to carry out its activities.
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The worker cooperative Decosur reached an agreement with the Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo (ACUMAR) [governmental authority in charge of the sanitation of the river Matanza-Riachuelo] to install a station to monitor air pollutants in the Decosur plant located in the area of the port of Dock Sud. Thus, ACUMAR will be able to monitor the ambient air quality in an industrial area that is being restructured.See moreSee less
The power station of Dock Sud is one of the most important power plants in the interconnected national system and it is highly efficient at generating combined-cycle electric power (more than 5000 Gw/h).
The combined-cycle uses two gas turbines and a steam turbine, and represents one of the newest cycles in the country.
The worker cooperative Decosur is connected to the power station through a pipe system that supplies the station with liquid fuel as an alternative to the lack of gas, mainly in winter months in which the liquid fuel provision reaches 2000 m3/day; thus, the continuous electric power supply is guaranteed, an efficient service is rendered, and the environment is protected..See moreSee less